Sunday Art Brunch is your weekly appointment with international art news curated by Anna Frattini. In this section you will find art news from across the world from big events to fun pieces about art and the art world.
- In the last Sunday Art Brunch I talked about FEWOCiOUS selling his NFTs in the Christie’s auction and here is his take on this very incredible moment in his career as an artist and how art saved his life. It very touching and reassuring to witness how this young artist found his way into crypto art and, eventually, in the art world.
- The MET Museum hired Patricia Norby. According to the New York Times Norby will work on curating Native American Art focusing on what was most challenging for these kinds on institutions in this moment in history. Her background includes defining herself as a urban Indian who grew up in Chicago’s West Side.
- Until July 21st Silvya Plath and Ted Hughes’s personal belongings - including their wedding rings and some letters that the couple shared during her marriage - are going to auction at Sotheby’s for Your Own Sylvia. This auction is particularly interesting for whoever is passionate about Plath’s writing career. artnet is talking about it here.

- Beer with a painter: Clare Grill is a very in depht piece from Hyperallergic where Jennifer Samet chats with the painter about her career and how to recognize when a painting is ready to be finished. The talented Grill gives us an idea of what is means to be a painter in the art world now as a mid-career artist.